Recent Donations
We recently donated £4,142.00 to local charities and voluntary organisations through the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Community Foundation. Some of these examples include:
Small Grants:
Girl Guiding Farnborough
Hart First Response
Vine Day Centre
Hants & IOW Apprenticeship Scheme:
Basingstoke Multicultural Forum
Youth Options Apprentices
Families in Crisis:
Home Start NW Hampshire
Alton Food Bank

Girl Guiding Farnborough
The funding went towards supporting members of the Girl Guiding Farnborough Division attend an activity camp. With over 500 other Hampshire North Guides in attendance, it gave children the chance to meet new people and experience a range of exciting opportunities that usually wouldn't be on offer to them.

Hart First Response
Hart First response aims to help save lives by providing ambulance and first aid cover at local events, and by teaching first aid skills within the community. With a grant, HFR will purchase a vacuum mattress - a device used for the immobilisation of patients, especially in the cases of spinal, pelvis or limb trauma. This will double their capability in supporting essential care.

Vine Day Centre
The Vine Day Centre Trust is based in Aldershot and provides vulnerable and homeless adults with food, warmth, washing facilities and a range of information and advice. With a grant from the fund they will be able to fund a mini bus and lunch for a visit to the Sea Life Centre in Portsmouth.

Basingstoke Multicultural Forum
This group was established to encourage better understanding between different religions and cultures in the borough. The grant will go towards offering an apprenticeship to a BME young person to work with the Forum. The apprentice would work mainly on engagement activities to promote the services of the charity.

Youth Options Apprentices
Youth Options are the provider of the Apprenticeship Scheme. The new Apprenticeship scheme is a unique programme offering grants to voluntary and community groups to pay for a young person on an apprenticeship placement.

Home Start NW Hampshire
Home Start North West work closely with Children’s Services to give practical help to parents experiencing difficulties with weekly volunteer visits. The grant will be used to contribute to volunteer expenses, which last year came to almost £4000, and volunteer supervision costs.

Alton Food Bank
A grant has been given to contribute to the cost of a Part Time Manager to co ordinate the food bank's 40 volunteers, who support 700 local families a year. Alton is known to have one of the poorest areas in Hampshire and, until now, the food bank has been run entirely by volunteer church members.